NFT Image Generator
Drag and drop to arrange layers.
Define how many DNA images you need to generate. (You can make 10,000 or more images if you need)
Auto generate Excel files with NFT properties and names so that it will see for you to upload with a macro.
Life time access of the software. (You can't use this product with multiple computers at the same time.)
Free updates
You will get Auto generated Mini Mouse Macro script which is specifically generated to upload your collection to the OpenSea.
Installation Steps:
1) Once you download extract the zip and go to Extra folder and install "node-v16.13.0-x64.msi"
file. (You need to install Node.js if you already installed it this step is not required)
2) Run "utek-cafe-NFT-image-generator.msi"
3) *IMPORTANT: make sure you select your desktop directory or Document directory for the installation directory.
Login Steps:
Use the same email address that you used to purchase this product
Once you purchased this product you will get a License Key. Please write it down somewhere. You need to enter your licence key to login to the app. This is only one time process.
You might need Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5.1 (use this link to download it
Only Support Windows Operating System installed computers at the moment.
More Screenshots
NFT IG v1.0.5 (Mini Mouse Macro Script)
NFT IG v1.0.5 current progress view
Mini Mouse Macro Script Instructions
You need to upload excel file onto your google drive. Create one google doc file for your NFTs description.
1) Open tabs in order as below
Tabs order
2) For Image_NAMES.xls select 1.png which is located in cell A2
Cell A2 is selected
3) Highlight text on your description.
Highlighted Description
4) For your Image_Data.xls select the sell B1 (in below case it is Backgrounds)
5) Open opensea_MACRO.txt file and Select all (Press Ctrl+A)
6) Open Mini Mouse Macro and paste everything you have copied (Press Ctrl+V)
7) Go back to your first tab on chrome browser (Open Sea tab)
8) Start Mini Mouse Macro (Press Ctrl+F11)
Reported Issues
There are no major issues reported on this app but few issue are reported which will be fixed on the next update.
Red current state counter went hidden before generating progress ends. (You can still see the progress when you go inside the BuildNFTs folder--> Data--> Images and refresh the page.
When you mistakenly turned on the option "exported from photoshop" there will be new folder generate inside your layers folder called "data". (Please delete that folder --> uncheck that option --> import again)
Multiple instances occurring when you open the app while it is running
All these issue definitely will be fixed on the update v1.0.6 which will be released on 1st of February 2022
Fully functional software which can generate NFTs as much as you need